A (NOT) long time ago in a galaxy far far away
My first encounter with personal computer was when I was 5 years old. It had Windows 95 and 98 in dualboot. Yep I think you remember that some games from 95 did not work on 98 so keeping both was good option 😄
Time passed…
… I’ve graduated from University of Technology in Wrocław and I got my first job as an IT help in 2016 in Historical Center Zajezdnia (Centrum Historii Zajezdnia). Our there my job was to take care of a dozen of desktops, a few servers (WDS, WSUS, File server), local AD, Office 365 services (Sharepoint, Exchange, etc.), VoIP, IP Cameras, Firewall but also I was responsible for audio-video coverage during events. It was fun and I had a lot of time to dig into those systems and get to know them!
Back then I knew that Powershell is a command prompt with some different colors 😂
But Mateusz was more than happy to teach me why and how I should use Powershell! It opened whole new dimension being sysadmin. Thanks to his teachings and my determination I was able to get a job in my current company where my wings really spread.
Now I’m learning and using cutting edge technologies to automate everyday tasks and repetitive processes in our team. Also I’m giving a hand other teams by showing them those technologies and help them implement some automation into their duties.
Polish Powershell user group
I’m an co-organizer of PPoSh. Our group brings together people who are beginners at using Powershell as their primary administration tool and also pros which are eager to share their solutions, experience and knowledge with others! If you have something to show off to others this group is for you! Check out our social media: